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“bOlla”  (07' 21")


"I like watching things. Half-closed eyes, nose and ears open, the camera leaning close to me without watching inside. Then after a while I look at the images again, I decompose them, I divide the frames, I watch them slow and always the same. I compose the frames again and create the image which I felt in the lungs while I was lying there."


 "Mi piace osservare le cose. Gli occhi socchiusi, il naso, le orecchie aperte, e la telecamera poggiata vicino a me senza guardarci dentro. Poi, dopo un tempo, riguardo le immagini, le scompongo, fraziono i fotogrammi, li osservo lenti e sempre uguali. Ricompongo i frammenti e creo l’immagine che sentivo nei polmoni mentre ero sdraiata lì"

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